Introduce Your Friends

Introduce Your Friends

In John 15:15, Jesus says this to His followers…

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Isn’t that amazing that the God of the universe calls you His friend? But what about your other friends? Do they know Him?

God’s offer of friendship is for every person on the planet. If your friends don’t know Him, they can!

Since Jesus is your closest friend, why not introduce your other friends to Him? Will you take a moment to pray this with me right now?

Lord, I am blessed to call You my friend, and you are always loving, you are always faithful. Please, God, would You show me how to share the Gospel, so that I could draw other people in my life into this amazing circle of friendship that I have with You? Amen.

John 15:15

“I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.”


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