During the time Jesus walked the earth, there was a place in the temple where a thick curtain surrounded the most holy place—where the presence of God dwelled. It could only be entered by the high priest once a year.
But on the day Jesus gave His life as payment for the sins of all humanity, that curtain miraculously tore into pieces.
Because of what Jesus did for you and me—the perfect One, who gave His life for us—there is now NOTHING that stands in between us and God. You can enter His presence any time that you pray to Him.
The sacrifice of Jesus has brought you together in intimate relationship with God Himself. Worship Him and pray to Him. He loves to spend time with you and nothing can separate you from God’s presence.
Luke 23:45
“The light from the sun was gone. And suddenly, the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn down the middle.”